Register Start a Project
  • To register you must set up an account using the online registration form. When registering to start a project, you will need to enter your UMVA Kreatives account number. You will be sent an email containing a hyperlink that must be clicked in order to confirm your registration. You may access your account by entering your username and password in the login fields on the homepage. You alone are responsible for keeping your username and password secure.

  • Make sure you are logged in and go to your profile page and update.

  • Make sure you are logged in and go to your account page and update

  • Make sure you are logged in and go to your notifications page and update.

  • You can request a password reset at the bottom of the login page and update.

  • Your account can be deleted from your account page. Deleting your account is irreversible!

  • No. Projects remain accessible on iFundArts, even if your account is deleted. Transparency is deemed key in this.